Our Happiness Play Pro Dashboard

Management thinker Peter Drucker is often quoted as saying that “you can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Happiness Play Pro provides key happiness indicators and dashboard giving a snapshot of overall happiness and greater insight of internal(employees) and external customers towards value creation, growth, and sustainability. Our happiness dashboard has the following features:

  • Fast customization. Graph attributes can be changed, added
  • Easy to use. We applied the descriptive statistics for easier data interpretation.
  • Complete Integration. Our base for the data model is Microsoft Excel with the latest technology of Power Pivot and DAX. We can support extraction, transformation, and load in a very accessible way.
  • Privacy and Security. We extract all the information with a highly protected protocol, and we ensure that the privacy of the final users in maintained.
  • Access Roles. We define users that can access the information, and the restriction depends on the segregation of duties.
  • Segmentation. By default, the information can be segmented by gender, age and location in a very easy way can be linked to another employee or customer data (departments, preferences, seniority, training, …).
  • Analysis. Our information gives an easier interpretation of data based on descriptive statistics and able to identify the next actions to take.
Happiness Score Board for the Organization

Happiness Score Board for the Organization

Allow me to give you a walkthrough with the best and happiest dashboard in the world!


Our dashboard was dimensioned according to below methodology:

  1. How am I
  2. What do I want
  3. What am I going to change

The first step which is understanding How am I was given an insight into the following:

Happiness Play ProAverage Happiness Rate per Area is the computed mean of users per happiness rate per areas such as family, health, home, leisure, love, money, personal growth and professional development that can be sorted by gender, age and country giving us an overview on employees’ or consumers’ happiness.

Distribution of the area values of wheels of life gives the information on how many users responded per happiness rating per area, and it can be viewed per year and month. This dashboard allows us to understand how many people need improvement in happiness or well-being.

Average Rate in Evolution in Wheels of Life gives the overview of the average development in happiness rate per area as the time goes by. This answers the questions such as Is it improving or not? Is it increasing or decreasing? On which area still needs improvement?

Median Rate in Evolution in Wheels of Life gives us the middle value in the happiness rating per area. This gives the interpretation on at which rate the data is halved in terms of population.

Standard Deviation in Evolution in Wheels of Live gives us the interpretation the stability of people or employees per area. This answer the questions why they are unstable in love? What are the services or benefits that we can offer to help them?

Based on how the individual’s happiness status from step one, the second step is identifying What do I want in a certain area in life to improve it, represented by the total conditions per area dashboard below:

Total conditions per area give the information on how many people or employees determined what they want per area.

Conditions per area drill down table shows the details of what the people or employees want per area. Our above example shows that employees would like to focus on health by improving their body. The company may improve the benefits of the employees such as providing gym facility or by giving them an annual discount in a gym. The company may also use it as a reward to high performing employees to inspire others to perform better.

After identifying what you want in step 2, the last is the third step which is “What am I going to change” which is represented by commitment dashboard. This shows how many people or employees committed that they are going to change to achieve what they want.

With our happiness dashboard, all stakeholders will be able to decide on what’s important objectively. They track progress and show improvement. And with this Peter Drucker said, “now you can manage it.”

Happiness Dashboard in a organization

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